Tuesday, February 3, 2009

23 Things on a Stick Ning -- Thing 26

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick
I have been navigating around a web network called "Ning". I joined it in the first round of the 23 Things, but I haven't used it since. I was able to see a few familiar names on the site--Sue of Olivia and Patricia of CMLE. I joined the CMLE group and joined a discussion about revealing identity (I'm all for it). I also requested that Sue be my friend.
I can see some use for the discussion forums as it relates to library business. I recently received a string of e-mail from the public library division of MLA about how to handle inter library loan requests. I'm not sure that I appreciated it on my e-mail. It could have been a great Ning discussion.
I already use "Facebook" to network with friends and relatives so I don't think I need one more site for that.
As a site like Ning gets used more, it will have more value to the librarians who use it.

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

Thanks for jumping into the Ning with gusto and I am glad you are OK with the identity thing....could be of great help to folks working in isolation. Keep blogging, I will try to check in when I can.